Solar Panels
The Solar Panel project aims to utilize the free space on the roofs of the University to produce clean energy
The solar panels were one of the first projects of the ChangeHub. Even though it didn't come into existence in the end, we feel that we nudged the University's stakeholders into a more sustainable energy consuming direction. At the time, the contracts of the solar panels on top of the Container P20 behind the sports halls were in consultation with the University and the Canton. The goal was to use the roof space of the University of St. Gallen efficiently to have more solar energy in the energy network of the City of St. Gallen.
With great initiation and cooperation of the MaCS-HSG team, the project was started. After consultation with the University and the Canton about three possible projects on campus, we decided that the smartest and most feasible project would be the one on the Containers P20.
The company Swiss-photovoltaik AG, which already installed and operates the solar panels on Container P23, agreed to duplicate this positive effect on the Container P20. They also gave us an estimation for an area of ~270 m2, they **foresee a peak output of ~98 kWp, resulting in ~98’000 kWh.
Currently in the summer of 2022, the MaCS Team was trying a different strategy of Crowdfunding, to sponsor the cost of the solar panels.
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